日本国内外での劇伴や映像音楽などを手がけてきたHRSMならではの、聴く人の想像力を掻き立てられるような物語性のある上質でインテリジェンスなサウンドアレンジメントに定評がある。 2022年 ADC New Yorkで参加作品BFI(英国映画協会)のJapan 2021: 100 Years of Japanese Cinemaがブロンズを受賞。
HRSM(Hiroshi Shimasaki), who has worked on multiple audio- visual and incidental music projects in Japan and overseas, has a reputation for high-quality, intelligent sound arrangements with a story that will make audiences leaving to the story of the tune. In 2022, Japan 2021: 100 Years of Japanese Cinema by the BFI (British Film Institute), in which he participated, won Bronze at the New York ADC Annual Awards.
Producer,Composer, Arranger, Recording engineer, Programer, Keyboardist
[Instagram / X / HP / Apple Music / Spotify]