Melissa Barry
宮前優花(Vocal,Visual designer)とHRSM(Keyboard,Synthesizer,Producer)のエレクトロオルタナティブポップデュオ。 2022年より、日本だけでなく海外の作品にも携わる作編曲家のHRSMと歌手の宮前優花がユニットを結成。 本質的で、エキサイティングな感動する音楽を作る事を目指し活動中。
Melissa Barry is the Electro-alternative pop duo of Yuka Miyamae (Vocal,Visual designer) and HRSM(Keyboard,Synthesizer,Producer). HRSM is a producer working in Japan as well as overseas, he is producing Yuka Miyamae since 2019. From 2022, he and Yuka will form a unit called Melissa Barry with the vision of creating authentic, exciting, and moving music.